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Newport Beach Fall Leads To Personal Injury Lawyer Call

Running errands is sometimes described as therapeutic, a breath of fresh air from the stifling mundanity of spending all day inside of the house. 

Despite the ease of online shopping and delivery services for meals and groceries, there is nothing quite like popping into the grocery store on a Sunday morning with a shopping list for the week ahead. 

Thrill seekers, however, may prefer to pop into the grocery store on any spontaneously chosen day of the week without a list in hand! Inspiration strikes and intuition guides as they peruse the aisles at a leisurely and relaxed pace to decide what will get stocked in the fridge and pantry.  

Some may even find cultural discovery in the grocery store, a living trove of a city’s local delicacies and treats. Savvy and calculating types tend to put fun and games aside, as they are on a focused mission to target the best deals.

Whether you see it as a chore or activity of pleasure, getting the groceries should be a relatively casual task. You park your car, pick up a shopping basket or cart, fill it with groceries, pay at checkout and load everything into your car before returning the basket or cart. From entering the store to exiting, it is a reasonable expectation that establishments keep their properties safe and welcoming to all foot traffic. A routine visit to a store should never result in a fall that leads to a life-altering, catastrophic injury.

Unfortunately, accidents sometimes happen at grocery stores, especially due to wet floors. It is the responsibility of the business to take adequate measures to prevent injury with warning signs or barriers, and to promptly clean up the mess.

If a person sustains an injury on a business’s property, that person may have the right to a premises liability claim. Depending on certain factors, the injured party may have the grounds to bring forth a civil lawsuit. Generally speaking, the injured or their slip and fall lawyer must demonstrate that the property owner should have known about the danger and that their negligence directly caused injury to the individual, entitling the individual to compensation.

The circumstances of a slip and fall accident are unique and can vary greatly by case. Establishments have a duty of care to all individuals, including those with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities also have the right to bring forth a premises liability claim if the property was negligent in safely accommodating the use of their assistive devices, such as walkers, wheelchairs, or crutches. Fall injuries can leave victims with brain damage, nerve damage, bone fractures, torn muscles, and ligament sprains. Senior citizens are especially vulnerable to the risks of falling, as many elderly individuals have reduced muscular strength and coordination, making it harder for them to break their fall. Those with lower bone density are more likely to experience broken bones from the impact. This can be painful and debilitating.

A wet or slippery spot isn’t the only factor that can cause someone to unintentionally lose their footing. Slip and fall injuries can also result from faulty flooring or carpeting, as well as insufficient clearing of surfaces after precipitation.

Speak to a personal injury lawyer at Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie today.

Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie
4400 MacArthur Blvd STE 370, Newport Beach, CA 92660

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