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An Immigration Law Firm To Get You Through Troubled Times

With the current administration battling daily with the legislature and federal judicial branches over what legal rules can be put into place regarding immigration, the situation for non-citizens seems to be growing more chaotic and dire by the day. One day one rule applies, the next it no longer does, the next a totally different executive order that was struck down months ago suddenly once again comes into effect.

In the last month alone the number of court decisions and lawsuits regarding immigration law numbered in the hundreds. To name a few of the biggest decisions: the Trump administration attempted to impose income restraints on green cards and permanent visas and was immediately hit with a number of legal suits decrying its legitimacy. The administration also amended rules set by a 1997 law called the Flores settlement agreement, which dictated how long families and children could be detained at the border, which was similarly quickly hit with suits. The Supreme Court additionally allowed a ban on asylum-seekers coming in from Central America.

Every day, legal battles big and small are waged in the courts of the United States, the results of which can affect millions or just a single family. It’s impossible to know how things will change in the coming months as the election season heats up and the current administration seeks more wins on a core issue, which means it’s more important than ever for immigrants to get in touch with a law firm they can trust to ensure their rights are protected.

The United States is a country ruled by law, as complex and chaotic as that law may be, and non-native persons and migrants have rights guaranteed by those laws. It’s extremely important for every immigrant to be aware of that fact, and for them to be able to be protected in case the Federal Government decides to turn their sights on them. Law firms that specialize in immigration save families from being torn apart by redundant application of esoteric rules that change daily and are often enforced by predatory organizations.

For this reason, we’re profiling a wonderful local law firm that specializes in helping Orange County residents out of the treacherous waters of an ever-shifting legal environment. K Nair Law Group has been operating out of their offices in San Juan Capistrano since 2010, providing their non-native clients with skillful and dedicated green card lawyers, as well as assisting with acquiring visas and reuniting families across the border.

Whether you are looking to become a citizen or are just looking for a simple employment authorization, the maze of legalese and hoops required to jump through are so complicated and mind-numbingly pedantic that many just give up during the process, putting themselves at risk for deportment or other legal trouble. With a good, trusted law firm, you can rest easy knowing that they will be putting the work in for you, ensuring your place here in this country as you do your best to better you and your family’s lives.

When it comes to the law, nothing is simple, and nothing is easy. That’s why we recommend you always keep the number of a good lawyer on hand. If you’re an immigrant in this country suffering through these strange times, that advice goes double for you. If you are in need of- or are simply interested in- the best immigration law firm in Orange County, give them a call at:

K Nair Law Group

31897 Del Obispo St., San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

(949) 493-4150

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